
Imprint 4 Refill, Super Quick Heavy Body

4 (50 ml) cartridges and 10 green mixing tips

Speed: Shortest intra-oral setting time for real time savings

Control: Sufficient working time for a stress-free procedure

  • Precision: Super hydrophilicity for accurate detail reproduction
  • Working time of 1:15 seconds
  • Intra-oral setting time: 1:15 seconds

3M™ ESPE™ Imprint™ 4 VPS Impression Material delivers precise impression results and offers dentists and patients a fast intra-oral setting time, without compromising working time. This refill includes four 50 mL cartridges of Imprint™ 4 Super Quick Heavy material, and five green mixing tips.

Suggested Applications

  • Crown and bridge Impressions
  • Inlay and onlay impressions
  • Implant impressions
  • Orthodontic impressions