
Precision Cartridge Kit Heavy Body

  • 2 - 48mL Cartridges Impression Material
  • 6 - Mixing Tips
  • 6 - Intra-Oral Tips
  • Instructions

Precision® VPS impression material is available in a convenient 1:1 automix cartridge delivery system. Cartridges are 48 ml each and comes with 2 cartridges in a package. Extra Lite and Lite viscosity cartridges include yellow mix tips and intraoral tips for precise and controlled placement of wash material. Medium and Heavy viscosity cartridges come with blue mixing tips.

Key Precision® Features

  • Moisture displacement actually moves blood and saliva out of the tooth's sulcus capturing minute marginal detail instantaneously.
  • Thermally activated set time responds to body heat within the mouth increasing clinician control.
  • Delicious Wild Berry flavor reduces gag reflex and patient discomfort.
  • High-dimensional stability enables multiple pours and exceptional detail reproduction indefinitely.
  • Less waste for a happy planet.