
ProLink SE (Self-Etch) Bond Kit 4ml. Bottle


Self Etch Adhesive
ProLink SE is a light cured self etching one component dentin/enamel bonding agent which combines etch, primer and adhesive into a single component for ease of application.

ProLink SE is a super quick adhesive saving valuable chair time: no need to neither etch the dentin or to wash it off. Once cured, you can immediately place your restorative. You can't over dry or over etch when using Prolink SE. Therefore, post-operative sensitivity will not occur. Prolink SE's low film thickness provides an invisible margin between the restoration and the tooth.


• 7th Generation

• Excellent bond with dentin and enamel
• Excellent bond with any self-cured, visible light-cured or dual-cured composites
• Quick and Easy solution, maximizing patient comfort

• Bonding of composites to tooth structure
• Core build up
• Adhesive Cementation of crown and bridge, including inlays and onlays

Bond Strength to Dentin: > 29 MPa
Bond Strength to Enamel: > 30 MPa