
Pulpdent Paste: 3 mL syringe

3 ml syringe

The Original, Non-Setting, Pre-mixed Calcium Hydroxide Paste 
For Root Canal Therapy and Vital Pulp Therapy

Internationally acclaimed as the world’s finest treatment for:
  • Vital Pulp Therapy
  • Pulpal Healing
  • Dentin Bridge Formation
  • Root Canal Therapy

Pulpdent Paste is the original premixed calcium hydroxide methylcellulose pulpal dressing. It is indicated for direct pulp capping, pulpotomy and pulpal curettage procedures, and it is used routinely as an intracanal dressing between office visits to cleanse root canals and prevent flare-ups.

Pulpdent Paste has a pH > 12 and provides all the benefits of calcium hydroxide in root canal therapy described by Dr. G.S. Heithersay.

Pulpdent Paste promotes favorable periapical healing and is the treatment of choice in complicated cases involving root resorption, traumatic injuries and other instances where calcium hydroxide therapy is indicated.

When used for vital pulp therapy, Pulpdent Paste stimulates consistent dentin bridge formation. The new dentin bridge is visible clinically after approximately 2-3 months.